Recent Events & Activities:

July 28, 2015
Women Betrayed Rallies
We coordinated or assisted with rallies in Rochester, Buffalo, Syracuse, and Boston. These events featured feminists who spoke out against Planned Parenthood in light of the videos by the Center for Medical Progress.
July 8 2015
Pro-Life Feminist Radio Interview
Our summer interns Caroline Bennett and Karla Lott were interviewed about pro-life feminism for Legends radio in Rochester.
March 12 2015
Luncheon Featuring Margaret Colin
Feminists for Nonviolent Choices hosted an exclusive luncheon for members & allies of FFNVC at a local women's leadership center. Guests joined actor Margaret Colin and the FFNVC board for a discussion on pro-life feminism and related issues.
March 11 2015
25th Anniversary Celebration
Feminists for Nonviolent Choices celebrated its 25th Year as a pro-life feminism organization by hosting a talk by actor Margaret Colin, a screening of scenes of her film Swing Vote, highlights of FFNVC's accomplishments, and a panel featuring Suzanne Schnittman, Dorina Hayes, and Tanishia Johnson.
March 11 2015
Interview on WXXI with Margaret Colin & Rachel Peller
Actor Margaret Colin and Director of Outreach Rachel Leigh Peller were interviewed on Connections with Evan Dawson about Pro-Life Feminism.
Click here to listen to a recording.
March 11 & 12 2015
Margaret Colin Spoke at Aquinas & Mercy High Schools
Actor and honorary co-chair of FFNVC Margaret Colin spoke with 750 students about her perspectives on pro-life feminism as part of FFNVC's 25th Anniversary Celebration.
February 27 2015
Grand Opening of "The Lives They Left Behind"
Long-term member Colleen Spellecy spoke about her project at Willard Cemetery for the Grand Opening of "The Lives They Left Behind" exhibit at the Museum of disAbility History in Buffalo, NY.
Click here to see information about the exhibit.
January 22 2015
National March for Life in DC
We trekked down to Washington, DC to participate in the National March for Life. President Dr. Mary Dahl Maher spoke at a press conference that introduced a new coalition called Pro-Life Allies, which seeks to create unity amidst diversity.
Click here to see a video of the Press Conference. We speak at approx. 17:05.
January 17 2015
March for Life in Syracuse
Feminists for Nonviolent Choices participated in a local March for Life in Syracuse, NY.
January 18 2015
Sunday Salon
We organized our first Sunday Salon of the year, an informal gathering at which people with various perspectives and opinions have an opportunity to dialogue and shatter assumptions. If you are interested in hosting your own Sunday Salon, contact us for guidance.
December 10 2014
Human Rights Day Celebration
FFNVC co-sponsored this year's Human Rights Day Celebration in Rochester, which included a potluck, spoken word performance, panel presentation, and directed discussion of capitalism and human rights.
December 3 2014
Young v. UPS - Pregnancy Discrimination
Feminists for Nonviolent Choices was one of several pro-life organizations to sign an amicus curiae in support of Peggy Young, who experienced pregnancy discrimination.
The Supreme Court heard the case on Wednesday, December 3rd. Click here to read our press release with All Our Lives.
December 2 2014
Roc the Day
Feninists for Nonviolent Choices participated in a fundraising campaign on "Giving Tuesday." If you missed the day but still want to give, click here.
November 28 2014
Movie Marathon
FFNVC hosted a casual movie marathon in our office, complete with popcorn and comfortable pants. We are hoping to host more casual get-togethers like this in the future. If you are interested in joining us, please email
November 24 2014
Calling for Justice Reform
In light of the recent decision on Darren Wilson, FFNVC participated in a rally calling for a reform to the justice system. We believe that all people have a right to live without violence, and joined the crowds in saying that black lives matter.
November 22 2014
Capital City Ball
FFNVC was the primary sponsor for the Capital City Ball, an annual event that raises funds and awareness for organizations fighting human trafficking. This year's recipients included Global Centurion, which was part of FFNVC's 2013 human rights series.
November 21 2014
Interview on Rape Accusation
In light of a rape accusation that was withdrawn at Monroe Community College, Hannah Maria del Murphy discussed the roots of the problem and concerns about future reporting.
See a clip of the interview here.
October 5 2014
Speakout Against Drone Violence
FFNVC participated in a speakout and protest against drone violence at Hancock Air Base in Syracuse, NY. Board member Carol Crossed addressed the ways that drones are used to make the violence of war invisible and private. Read an article here about the protest.
September 29 2014
Lila Rose : Anna L. Witteman Symposium
FFNVC was one of several organizations and groups to co-sponsor the Anna L. Witteman Symposium, which hosted Lila Rose. Rose is the President and Founder of Live Action, an organization that has exposed the abortion industry's failure to address rape, racism, and human trafficking. Click here to hear Lila's NPR Interview
September 22-24 2014
Reggie Littlejohn : Gendercide & Sex-Selective Abortions
Reggie Littlejohn spoke at Universities in Buffalo, Rochester, & Syracuse about the worldwide epidemic of gendercide and sex-selective abortions. Click here to find out more about her work with Women's Rights Without Frontiers.
September 13 2014
10K Race Against Trafficking
FFNVC Board member Meg Smerbeck carried on our tradition of working to end human trafficking by running a 10K race to raise money for Angels of Mercy who provide shelter and supports for victims of trafficking.
September 11 2014
Amicus Curiae Against Pregnancy Discrimination
"Amici support the goals of the Pregnancy
Discrimination Act (PDA) to prevent discrimination
against pregnant mothers and to reduce pressure on
women in the workforce to have an abortion." See the brief here
August 23 2014
Carol Crossed : Feminism in Oz
Founder Carol Crossed spoke about the feminism present within L. Frank Baum's Oz series as part of the opening weekend of the Baum House in Fayetteville, NY.
August 19 2014
NPR Interview : Feminism
Director of Projects Hannah Maria del Murphy was part of a panel on New Wave Feminism, hosted by Rochester's NPR station. To listen in, click here.
August 13 2014
Buzzfeed Post on Fourth Wave Feminism
Summer interns Anne & DeAnna created a Buzzfeed post that discusses what it means to be a Fourth Wave Feminist. Click here to check it out.