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Articles By Us

Abortion Vote Speculation Troubling

June 2, 2015 | Democrat & Chronicle

All of us, LGBT and straight, should focus more on loving and protecting all life by promoting each individual's dignity and worry less about others' personal relationship choices.

APA Stand Against Lethal Injection Drugs is Laudable

April 11, 2015 | Democrat & Chronicle

Three cheers for the American Pharmaceutical Association for taking a stand against the death penalty by discouraging its members to prescribe drugs for lethal injections... Non-violence isn't just saying no to killing someone. It's stating an active yes to supporting the alternative.

Abortion is a Tool to Further Exploit Victims of Trafficking

March 24, 2015 | Syracuse Post Standard

Abortion is not a tool for liberation; it is a tool of exploitation... Stop holding support for victims hostage to a powerful lobby with abortion tunnel vision and start creating real, nonviolent solutions to real, violent problems.

Gendercide Targets Girls Around the World & in the US

September 22, 2014 | Syracuse Post Standard

Gendercide is the deliberate and selective destruction of a particular sex, usually females, in countries that value small families or by individuals who undervalue a specific gender.

Pass the Needed Parts of the Women's Equality Act

August 31, 2014 | Rochester D & C

The first nine points of the state Women’s Equality Act not only ensure crucial protections and rights that working women deserve, they also reflect what women are really asking for.

Parade Organizers Unfair

May 25, 2014 | Rochester D & C

Metro Justice sent a letter uninviting Feminists for Nonviolent Choices Why? Because FFNVC... is one of 200 organizations nationally that oppose all killing: abortion, war, capital punishment and economic injustice.

Unbundle Abortion Plank From Women's Bill

April 23, 2014 | Rochester D & C

Now the Governor is holding the Women's Equality Act improving pay equity and job opportunities for women hostage to an elevation of abortion...


Supreme Court's McCutcheon Decision is No Victory for Opponents of Abortion

April 6, 2014 | Syracuse Post Standard

Already, pro-choice organizations funnel dozens of millions of dollars into campaigns, out-funding pro-life campaigns several times over.

A Peaceful Encampment

March 23, 2014 | Rochester D & C

Some feminist values have abandoned the rights of the human community to live and instead embrace the rights of the individual to kill. Fighting for rights like abortion and women combatants in war distorts the core of nonviolence and what the encampment stood for.

'Sexy Baby" Shines Light on Culture

March 7, 2014 | Rochester D & C

Our culture creates a pervasive attitude which reinforces that women are sexual objects and that our worth is tied up in our ability to be an attractive sex partner first and foremost. It is no surprise that young women have bought into this notion, given how inescapable the messages are.

Images Poison Girls' Minds

March 13, 2014 | Rochester D & C

To build a culture focused around the value and dignity every person holds, we need to stop reinforcing the idea to our youngest that our value lies within our ability to attract others sexually. Our value lies in our kindness, capacity to love, our respect for others and our shared humanity.

Kennedy's Pro-Choice Stance Could Earn Campaign Contributions

February 19, 2014 | Buffalo News

State Sen. Timothy M. Kennedy’s recent transition to a pro-abortion rights stance will undoubtedly earn him more than just praise and criticism; he’s likely to make substantial financial gains from this move.

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